How can our customer centric PMO practice accelerate your business?
A successful PMO is customer centric and has your business strategy in the center
For organizations we work with, their top challenges are:
Overseeing the dependencies between projects and create program-level plans to accomplish business objectives
Tracking performance metrics and engagement levels
Establishing KPIs so that your leaders can monitor and report on these metrics
Soliciting feedback from stakeholders on program and project management operations and document the lessons learned
“Which one of those do you want to discuss today?”
We offer solutions and frameworks for
Portfolio Management
Program Management
Project Management
Risk Management
Financial Management
No project is too big or too small and they all require
Customer Centricity
· Servant Leadership
· Digging into Details
· One-size-fits-none
· Communication is the Key
How we do it
We help our clients deliver projects successfully by
Knowing the Stakeholders
• Leadership needs to made decisions based on objective criteria, not political will or subjective information
Basing Plan and Scope on Facts
• Create plans based on facts, but embrace change, and be ready to make brave decisions at short notice
Resourcing with Properly Skilled Professionals
• Enable people to deliver success
• People deliver programs, not plans and processes
Communicating Across all Levels
• Connect Executive and Delivery teams
• Build effective communication between those who sponsor change and those delivering it to success generate collective responsibility for success
Endlessly Improving through Lessons Learned
• Measure and address the harsh facts
• Identify simple and hard-to-ignore facts of non-performance throughout delivery
Continuously Training Project Managers
• Provide training that builds the skills you need, and give your people the right tools to do their jobs effectively